Friday, September 3, 2010

addicted for shoes....


a person who is addicted to an activity, habit, or substance: .
–verb (used with object)

to cause to become physiologically or psychologically dependent on an addictive substance.

to habituate or abandon (oneself) to something compulsively or obsessively: a writer addicted to the use of high-flown language; children addicted to video games.

bacanya adiksi ya bukan a-dick si...woke....
adiksi diindonesiakan sebagai suatu kebutuhan kompulsif terhadap suatu hal dan buat saya ...SEPATU.....

i always like shoes....surely from my childhood i like to collect them...labels like nike, reebok, adidas, puma, are used to be my collection, but now i just like my chuck taylor converse, vans, and the last...PARACHUTE...damn this dessert boots are comfy....

entah kebiasaan apa yang terjadi pada saya, begitu liat sepatu, dan suka..well i could use my emergency money for buying that....until now i have more than 8 pair of shoes....sebenernya kalo mau dikumpulin udah banyak tapi seringkali sepatu itu dikasi ke orang tanpa bilang ke saya..yang menyebabkan saya pundung.....

well thats what i called needs....people needs are vary, need for sex, it....
sometimes i think this shoes addiction are a curse..but....the satisfaction for buying those pair.....priceless

oooo..the hororr....

well whats your addiction???

well happy think my friend......

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